CanMediate International president Ruth Sirman will be presenting at the Organization Development World Summit (ODWS), a forum that brings together OD practitioners from around the world, August 22-26, 2010 in Budapest, Hungary.
Sirman will be conducting a workshop for participants on Surviving Resolution Resistant Super-Conflicts in Organizations, August 24, 2010 at the ODWS. “The goal of this session is to provide a forum where participants at the conference can discuss the realities of tough conflicts that exist in organizations from their experience and where we can share our knowledge and experience in working within this field,” Sirman explains.
As organizations develop and grow, conflict is an inevitable factor that has the potential to be a positive inspiration for dialogue and constructive change or the negative force that tears the organization apart. Most organizations find themselves somewhere in between these two extremes. Whether the organization relies on paid employees, volunteer labour or members to get the job done and make it successful, internal conflict can create major negative impacts on people’s lives irrespective of where it occurs.
The atmosphere and culture within an organization is a powerful force that contributes to the experience of all who encounter it. It also impacts on recruitment, retention, productivity, morale, burnout and stress levels. Consequently, there is both a financial cost to conflict as well as the toll it takes on the people involved. How an organization deals with conflict is part of that culture and an integral part of individuals and groups experience of the organization.
Learning to recognize the warning signs, understand what is going on behind the scenes and having strategies available to help resolve the conflicts effectively can make the difference between a successful and powerful organization and one whose focus is on the internal drama within the organization rather than meeting the mandate and getting the job done. Organizational Development practitioners are uniquely positioned to support organizations to find the right expertise and take the necessary steps to get their conflicts resolved effectively and get everyone back to work.
The Conflict Resolution Workout!!
Give some thought to the reality of the organizations you belong to:
1. How much time is diverted from getting the job done to dealing with conflicts?
2. What triggers these conflicts and causes them to escalate?
3. To what degree have they been addressed?
4. What level of residual tension is still there?
5. How is the situation impacting on you? on clients? on the bottom line?
Ruth Sirman is a veteran in the world of workplace mediation specializing in assisting groups to find practical and workable solutions to seemingly intractable conflicts. Her professional practice takes her across North America working with federal, provincial and territorial governments, corporations, NGO’s, churches, communities and the courts. She designed and teaches the acclaimed Power to Resolve Program including modules on Discovering Your Resolution Quotient, I’m OK – It’s Everyone Else Who Needs Help!!, Mastering Difficult Situations and People You Find Challenging, From Discord to Dialogue, Organizational Conflict 911. Her website is
Monday, 16 August 2010
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